
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Report: Wade ordered to turn over kids

A Miami judge ordered Dwyane Wade on Tuesday to immediately turn over his two sons to their mother -- and his ex-wife – Siohvaughn Funches-Wade, according to the Miami Herald.

Wade, who was supposed to make his sons available to his ex-wife last week, had filed an emergency motion demanding Funches get a psychological evaluation before seeing the boys.
Judge Antonio Marin, who instructed Wade to allow Funches her visitation rights, ordered Funches to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.
Wade’s initial motion to have Funches receive a psychological evaluation cites Funches’ strange and often angry behavior during their divorce settlement proceedings, especially near the end when she sat outside the courthouse with a sign that alleged she was homeless, telling her side of the story to reporters and the general public.
“S.L.’s [Funches-Wade’s] statements, behavior, and her demeanor in court reflect that she is presently lost, angry and desperate. Her behavior is not in the children’s best interests...D.T. [Wade] requests that this Court immediately suspend S.L.’s timesharing...pending the results of a psychological evaluation of S.L.,” Wade’s filing by his attorneys reads, according to the Chicago Sun Times.

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